Intellectual Property

 Website Intellectual Property Notice

Craighead Kellas (the “Company”) holds an exclusive ownership right of all content, information, logos, trade names, texts, icons, graphics, software, source code and pictures displayed on (the “Website”) or any of its webpages.  Content of the Website is protected and safeguarded by copyright, design, patent, and trademark laws as applicable in the United Arab Emirates (the “Applicable Laws”). We reserve the right to claim damages for infringement of our intellectual property rights.

1.    Copyright

Except as authorized by the Applicable Laws, visitors to the Website shall not copy, sell, rent, reproduce, distribute, modify or publish the content and/or information available without obtaining previous written consent from the Company.

Any visitor who exercises unauthorized use of the content and/or information of the Website may be subject to penalties, and injunctions. His/her infringing content and/or information may also be confiscated and destroyed by the competent authority.

We reserve the right to claim compensation for infringement of our moral and economic rights.


2.    Trademarks

The Company retains all ownership rights of its trademarks.

Forging, counterfeiting, and using an identical or confusingly similar logo to the logo of the Website for sale of goods and/or services or any other commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. Individuals who violate trademarks shall be subject to penalties under the Applicable Laws. We shall seek all and any legal remedies available to remedy the infringement of our trademarks.

We possess the right to review, modify, update, or delete any content and/or information available on the Website without incurring any liability.

If you wish to obtain a license to use any intellectual property rights of the Company, you shall email us at