Who We Are

The Principles That Animate Us

There is a word in Japanese, jittai, that translates broadly to “truth”, “true state”, or “actual condition” - or, in some instances, “substance” or “state of affairs”. It distinguishes fact from fiction, objective from subjective meaning - what is, from wishing it to be so.

Jittai is the essence of what we do.

In a world of extremes and contested meanings, between ideas and hallinations, we find and hold the centre.

  1. Ethical, reasoned pursuit of evidence and insight, adhering to principles of integrity, balance and diligence, is the path to research of enduring value.

  2. Research involves many things. Ultimately it is about purposeful investigation, systematic observation and the spirit of discovery.

  3. Always be mindful of historical uniqueness, the sensitivity of initial conditions, and the narcissism of minor differences. They point the way, but they can either inform or misdirect.

  4. Knowledge for its own sake is a positive good, but it should serve a purpose, without succumbing to the whims of fashion, fortune or politics.

  5. Evidence can be found in many shapes and forms. Knowing what they mean is essential to understanding the substance that can be extracted from them.

  6. Thorough review and understanding of what is already known is fundamental to original research, and arguably more important than methodological innovation.

  7. Knowledge is a cumulative effort with its eye to the horizon. It should never be determined solely by what has come before, or its limits set by what is currently understood.

  8. Method is vital to systematic inquiry. It is a tool, and should support the investigative process, not replace it or become a substitute for critical thinking.

  9. Effective management of information, with close attention to precedent and chain of custody, is fundamental to sound investigative practice and analytical precision.

  10. Meticulous sourcing and attention to detail are cornerstones of reliable research and enlightened decision-making. Without them there is only abstraction.